"If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties". - The Advancement of learning (1605) by Francis Bacon.
This quotation, in my opinion, is very relevant to us, today' s learners.We started this journey with doubts, we knew so little, we worried so much. And then we became more interested, involved, fascinated and willing to go on. Each week was a new discovery - Bloglines and Flickr, RSSs and Wikkis, Delicious and Librarythings. All of them - the great new tools - to experiment and to learn, to share with friends and colleagues. This learning period was about self-discovery, friendship and support. Without my colleagues and their enthusiasm the end result would be much more difficult to achieve. I am very grateful for this opportunity, it is great to work in an industry that transforms so rapidly and develops on so many different levels.
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