Monday, October 22, 2007

Item#16 - Wiki

Wiki is another new concept for me. It is all about collaboration, community and contribution. At the same time the main objection is trust, security and ethics. Anyone can contribute, edit and create. There are a lot of interesting possibilities that can involve wikis: community guides, study groups, on-line tutorials, book discussions, management and planning collaboration and many more. Thanks to this new open-source, open-access technology everything becomes more transparent and democratic, brings to the process more opinions, feed backs and comments. It may change organizational culture, ways of communication between management and staff, information sharing and the education process.

Some people already write their Bachelor's thesis on the subject of wikis. Some libraries open wiki's based Ideas box, where staff can log in and discuss new ideas in on-line environment. We can find different projects on-line that involve wikis. For example, project is aimed at creating and providing free geographic data such as street maps to anyone who wants them.

1 comment:

Yarra Plenty Library Regional Library said...

Some great thoughts on wikis...keep up the good work
