Thursday, September 20, 2007

#5 Discover Flickr

Here is my first download from Flickr. The link is
I created a slideshow of my latest photos on Flickr.

Flickr is a very interesting service with a lot of things to experiment with. It is difficult not to spend too much time trying different activities. I am sure that I'll go back and try more options on it in my free time.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Franz Kafka, Prague

Originally uploaded by optimusyarnspinner
A famous sculpture in the centre of Prague.

Second week

Hello, fellow blogmates!

Here I am in a new blogland and what a different world it is.

Everyone is someone else, everyone has a say, anyone can see it and comment.

IS it really a new social revolution?

At the moment I'm learning a new ""blogabulary".

I've already found words such as: blogpeople, blogpost, blogging thoughts, blogging rhymes, weblog madness, blogging your life away and mindblogging.

If you know a good word for a "blogabulary', please comment.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

First week

Ok! What do I expect from all of it? My philosophy is going to be..... experiment, learn, share and enjoy.